

2016年卫报英国大学排名 - 土木工程专业排名

官方最新排名:2016年 | 更新日期:2015年5月27日

Rank 2016 Institution Guardian score/100 Satisfied with course Satisfied with teaching Satisfied with feedback Student to staff ratio Spend per student/10 Average entry tariff Value added score/10 Career after 6 months
1 Imperial College 100 90 84.9 75 11.9 9 563 8 93
2 Heriot-Watt 87.4 92 85.6 81.3 14.1 9 417 7 92
3 Bath 86.4 92 90 72 18.1 5 507 7 97
4 Southampton 85.5 95 90.2 56.8 8.9 9 468 5 96
5 Sheffield 84.7 92.9 91.5 67.3 14.3 6 463 7 93
6 Leeds 83.1 94.9 90.9 76.0 14.7 6 416 9 87
7 Surrey 81.3 89 86.8 72.3 16.6 7 421 6 100
8 Liverpool 81.1 81 78.3 66.9 10.1 10 381 7 88
9 Ulster 80.2 98.0 96.0 79.4 11.7 4 280 7 93
10 Coventry 80.1 96.8 94.7 81.5 14.2 3 306 9 88
11 Loughborough 78.5 97 91.3 77.7 17.9 5 391 7 92
12 Edinburgh 78.1 80.0 80.1 44.6 15.7 10 469 8 92
13 UCL 77.2 82.8 70.9 44.8 10.8 10 494 7 -
14 Dundee 76.4 88.1 92.8 73.0 13.3 7 431 3 -
15 Nottingham 74.7 82 76.1 66.9 14.2 10 421 6 87
16 Birmingham 74.4 81 74.6 71.5 17.4 9 420 8 86
17 Bristol 73.1 80.8 74.2 49.5 11.7 3 511 8 91
18 Newcastle 71.9 90 85.2 70.2 13.1 8 385 3 91
19 Greenwich 71.4 93 92.7 89.4 20.2 3 304 3 -
20 Bradford 71.2 97.0 83.1 74.2 13.6 3 298 9 82
21 Manchester 70 86 84.6 82.2 20 7 414 4 82
22 Nottingham Trent 69.8 98 94.3 75 20.6 4 279 7 90
23 West of Scotland 69.2 89 90.5 80 14.5 4 260 4 84
24 Cardiff 67.9 94 88.8 64.3 23.8 6 435 5 93
25 Glasgow 66.6 83 87.9 57.3 12 8 480 2 87
26 Edinburgh Napier 66.3 91 85.5 58.5 15.1 4 327 9 -
27 UWE Bristol 64.1 78 78.2 61.7 16.4 3 276 10 -
28 Swansea 63.1 88 79.7 64.9 18 5 339 3 100
29 Queen's, Belfast 60.5 82 80.5 63.4 10.8 6 369 3 81
30 Strathclyde 60.3 90 87.0 59.8 17.7 4 429 4 82
31 Glasgow Caledonian 59.7 89.9 83 73.9 14 3 352 1 -
32 Anglia Ruskin 58.2 92 87 78.4 17.8 5 241 5 -
33 City 57.4 84 81.9 64.9 18.4 3 342 6 82
34 Liverpool John Moores 57.3 92 84.1 72.9 22.8 3 347 4 88
34 Plymouth 57.3 96.0 91.2 73.8 20 5 283 4 77
36 Portsmouth 56.7 82 82.0 68.5 21.9 4 297 8 81
37 Teesside 56 93 86.6 66.8 20.2 6 320 - -
38 Brunel 53.5 97 95.0 82.0 28.1 4 340 3 -
39 Derby 53.1 79.2 80.6 74.5 19.3 3 236 - -
40 West London 50.6 70 78.3 71.9 16 3 224 - -
41 Abertay Dundee 50.3 65 58.7 58.5 17 6 320 8 82
42 East London 50.2 91.9 88.8 76.1 25.1 6 - 4 65
43 South Wales 49.4 86 88.5 67.3 21.1 3 284 4 -
44 Brighton 47.5 81 74 62.7 20.9 3 304 4 -
45 Leeds Beckett 39.4 85.1 79.4 53.7 25.2 3 207 4 86
46 Salford 38.9 89 85.5 69.5 19.5 4 284 1 71
47 Kingston 36.2 86 80 63.2 27.6 3 284 5 64
48 London South Bank 33.2 80 76.8 63.6 19.6 3 270 3 51